What are free radicals in the body?

Insider News on Free Radicals - Friend or Foe?


“Free Radical invasion simply leads to the breakdown of our cells.”


Free Radicals are produced in the body naturally as a byproduct of oxidation or by exposure to environmental toxins and pollutants. When functioning properly, free radicals can help fight off pathogens. The problem is when there are more free radicals present that cannot be kept in balance by antioxidants, the free radicals start causing damage to tissues, and compromising the health of our cells.  Oxidation may be accelerated by stress, alcohol consumption, smoking, pollution and other environmental factors.

Free Radicals wreak havoc on the body by taking electrons or energy from a molecule. That molecule is now missing an electron- leaving it imbalanced. This continuous cycle creates a cyclical impact on the health of our cells. The damage created leads to the depletion of our proteins, lipids, cell membranes and even DNA damage.

When the ratio of free radicals to antioxidants is greater, it can lead to more serious ailments. The underlying concern is when our body is consistently out of balance- it leads to more inflammation, causing the mentioned damage. This chronic inflammation can lead to oxidative stress and reduce our cellular antioxidant capacity. 

What are common effects of oxidative stress caused by the overage of free radicals?

One of the main effects is the deterioration of collagen, also known as premature aging, DNA damage, inflammatory conditions, damage to nerve cells, various cancers, heart disease, and vision loss. Biological stressors are the most common form of stress that can contribute to these physical concerns. Other forms of stress include chemical stressors like exposure to toxins, chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, heavy metals and smoke, consumable stressors like alcohol, drugs, tobacco, refined and processed foods, mineral depleted foods and GMOs; environmental stressors like pollutants, toxins within the atmosphere, water, soil (lead, chloride, mercury, fluoride and pesticides), extreme temperatures, allergens, xenoestrogens, radiation and other electromagnetic influences (wifi, radio waves, high voltage electric lines); finally, psychological stressors like emotional and mental stressors such as depression, moodiness, anger, fear, anxiety, worry, grief, shock, trauma, mental illness, life changes.

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals. They support the molecule by providing that missing electron needed to make the pair or by breaking down the free radical to render it harmless. Antioxidants stop the cycle of free radical formation, thus preventing oxidation. This helpful process benefits our health by boosting our immune system.

Antioxidants are compounds in foods that scavenge for free radicals. Antioxidants bond to free radicals and toxins to ultimately prevent oxidation and filter them out of the body. When you think about antioxidants, think about anti-aging.

Antioxidant Infusion Serum



We utilize antioxidants in skincare like Antioxidant Infusion Serum  to help support other nutritive ingredients complete their task at hand collagen manufacturing. From repair to regeneration, antioxidants act as a supporting role. 


Superfood Lip Oil


Recently, we’ve incorporated antioxidants into nourishing Superfood Lip Oil. By doing this, we help support aging lip tissue and support free radical invasion head on. Superfood lip oil offers unique antioxidants like kelp, oat, green tea and other nourishing oils which hydrates and protects the skin.


Many different types of antioxidants are found in vegetables, fruits and various herbs. Plant based antioxidants help delay the aging process by counteracting the breakdown of collagen fibers in the skin. Incorporating antioxidants into your diet, in addition to antioxidant rich skincare, will also prevent premature aging and encourage healthy skin and a healthy body.

Here are common foods with high antioxidant properties:

Asparagus | Avocado | Beets | Berries | Broccoli | Carrots | Coconut |  Gogi Berries | Grapes | Kale |  Pomegranates | Radishes | Raspberry Leaf | Rose Hips | Spinach | Sweet Potatoes | Tea

In general, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals have antioxidant properties that protect your cells from free radicals. In skincare, antioxidants protect the skin’s barrier from oxidative damage caused by these free radicals and environmental aggressors like ultraviolet rays and pollution. Antioxidants reduce inflammation and allow the skin to repair itself and correct visible damage.

It all comes down to this…is your body in balance?

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