Unlocking Healthy Skin: Explore the Skin Map
Our revolutionary Skin Mapping™ approach is thoroughly tested through thousands of cases and is a breakthrough that provides clear assistance in the analysis of the organs, toxins, and mechanisms involved in most common skin conditions. Each facial zone represents an organ and the internal imbalances that often reveal themselves on the skin.
Explore our Skin Mapping tools to begin your journey towards creating real, visible changes in the skin.
- Skin Conditions Map
- Body Acne
- Rosacea Skin Map
- Our Solutions: Osmosis Protocols to Address the Source

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Forehead & Side of Face: LARGE INTESTINE
- Candida Acne: caused by toxins from overgrowth of candida in the digestive tract - often from hormones, sugar and mucus-producing foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc.
- Blackheads: caused by mucus from foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc.
- Enlarged Pores: a combination of the collapse of the epidermis in sebaceous skin types and the mirroring of pores/gaps in the digestive lining. The most common cause is emulsifiers like the ones found in yogurt and ice cream and glyphosate.
- Rosacea & Capillaries: caused by candida, IBS or other bowel conditions.
- Irritation: caused by stress and adrenal fatigue.
Under Eyes: KIDNEYS
- Puffiness: kidney inflammation often caused by alcohol or NSAIDs such as ibuprofen.
- Dark Circles: the kidneys are a common detox organ for heavy metals. Many people have excess exposure and their kidneys become strained as a result. Also can be caused by kidney fatigue from lack of sleep.
- Candida Acne: caused by toxins from overgrowth of candida in the digestive tract - often from hormones, sugar and mucus-producing foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc.
- Blackheads: caused by mucus from foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc.
- Enlarged Pores: a combination of the collapse of the epidermis in sebaceous skin types and the mirroring of pores/gaps in the digestive lining. The most common cause is emulsifiers like the ones found in yogurt and ice cream and glyphosate.
- Rosacea & Capillaries: often caused by acid reflux (side of nostrils) and inflammation of the esophagus from hard alcohol, smoking or post-nasal drip (tip of nose).
- Candida Acne: caused by toxins from overgrowth of candida in the digestive tract - often from hormones, sugar and mucus-producing foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc.
- Blackheads: caused by mucus from foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc.
- Enlarged Pores: a combination of the collapse of the epidermis in sebaceous skin types and the mirroring of pores/gaps in the digestive lining. The most common cause is emulsifiers like the ones found in yogurt and ice cream and glyphosate.
- Rosacea & Capillaries: caused by IBS or SIBO.
Under Nose / Around Nostrils: STOMACH
- Rosacea & Capillaries: caused from H. Pylori or gastritis.
Around Mouth: RECTUM
- Candida Acne: caused by toxins from overgrowth of candida in the digestive tract - often from hormones, sugar and mucus-producing foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc.
- Constipation Acne: caused from the re-absorption of fecal toxins.
- Blackheads: caused by mucus from foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc.
- Perioral Dermatitis: caused by irritation from constipation or colitis.
Jawline: LIVER ZONE 1
- Hormonal Acne: caused by estrogenic food preservatives often found in fast food and long shelf life foods.
Below Jawline & Neck: LIVER ZONE 2
- Pesticide Acne: caused from pesticides, such as Atrizine, Chlorpyrifos, and Metolachor, often found in farming areas and non-organic foods.
- Plasticide Acne: caused from plasticides such as BPA.
- Folliculitis Barbae: caused from pesticides being detoxed out of the follicles in the neck.
Below Jawbone & Neck, Back of Neck, Scalp & Behind the Ears: LIVER ZONE 2
- Pesticide Acne: caused from pesticides, such as Atrizine, Chlorpyrifos, and Metolachor, often found in farming areas and non-organic foods.
- Plasticide Acne: caused from plasticides such as BPA.
- Chlorine Acne/Rash: caused from highly chlorinated (Chlorine, Sodium Hypochlorite, Chrloamine) drinking, bathing, or swimming water.
- Blackheads: caused by a mucus detox of the lungs

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Back of Arms:
- Keratosis Pilaris/Acne: KP is the result of a different strain of candida that overgrows in the intestines. This can be related to all the causes found in Candida Acne.
- Acne/Rash/ Hidradenitis Suppurativa: the result of mold exposure often from water damaged homes or moldy air conditioners.
Upper Back:
- Chlorine Acne/Rash: caused by chlorine dioxide in various water sources.
- Blackheads: caused by a mucus detox of the lungs.
Lower Back:
- Mold Acne/Pustules: caused by toxins often from water damaged homes or moldy air conditioners. The pustules or rashes are often found on the limbs as well.
- Lyme Disease: Lyme disease presents in many different ways if someone has cysts and/or horizontal stretch marks in the low back region then they should be evaluated for lyme disease.
Buttocks & Peri-Genital Region:
- Buttock Acne: is a bacterial infection of the rectum.
- Peri-Genital Rash: redness and/or flaking in the inner thigh or along the buttocks is caused by parasites.

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Causes:- Medications
- Accutane
- Metformin
- Statins
- Many others
- Viral Infections
- Excessive Alcohol
Clues It's Liver not Digestive:
- More visible capillaries
- Redness may extend into the liver and adrenal zones. It may also present along the jawline and/or neck.
May present with acne or small bumps.
- Candida
- IBS or bowel conditions
- Side of nostrils, acid reflux
- Tip of nose, inflammation of esophagus from hard alcohol, smoking, or post-nasal drip
- Lupus
- H. Pylori
- Gastritis
- Candida
- Constipation
OUR SOLUTIONS: Osmosis Protocols to Address the Source
Constipation Blemishes
- Skin Perfection Elixir
- Digestive Support Supplement
- Skin Clarifier Supplement
- Rescue / Rescue MD
- Clarify
Dark Circles & Puffiness
- Hormone Relief Elixir
- Relax & Unwind Elixir
- Ageless Vitality Elixir
- Skin Defense Supplement
- Refresh Revitalizing Eye Cream
Eyelid Irritation
Advised to slow down skincare protocols until stress subsides
Dark Spots
Perioral Irritation
- Digestive Support Supplement
- Skin Clarifier Supplement
- Skin Defense Supplement
- Recovery
- Skin Perfection Elixir
- Rescue / Rescue MD
Red / Irritated Face
Liver Related Redness (more visible capillaries)
Medications may be contributingCandida Related Redness