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Wellness Warrior | Arm Yourself with Internal Wellness

What do you think of when you hear the word warrior? Does the word depict an individual prepared for battle? If so, this potential warrior preparing for battle would most likely be armored with protective gear and ready for potential elements. If you were this warrior going into battle, wouldn’t you want to be guarded with only the best? What if your life was on the line? A wellness warrior really is an individual preparing for the ultimate battle- living a healthy life.

Not everyone has the right tools to be a wellness warrior. Some individuals may be misinformed or not informed at all on healthy practices. Some individuals may experience fatigue, frustration, regret and loneliness. A wellness professional comes in handy when addressing these concerns. The position of a wellness professional is to essentially support individuals by providing valuable information and living by example. The phrase “Eat your vegetables” isn’t just a mantra, it is advice. The phrase “Wash your face” isn’t trendy, it is guidance. Also, the phrase “Exercise is the best medicine” isn’t a suggestion, it is helpful. Advice, guidance and help allow an individual to feel prepared for what is about to inspire change.

Internal wellness is merely a tool to get from point A to point B. It helps to jump start the ability to thrive. When we are deficient or requiring a detox, internal wellness is a layer of internal armor. Internal wellness provides balance, healing, growth, change and vitality. Remember, our bodies have the ability to heal by themselves. Often, a jump start is required to support the healing process. Internal wellness products like Recovery and Digestive Support enhance the healing process by accelerating the repair of the digestive system. Regenerate assists the liver in the restorative process. Our Elixirs create balance and harmony. Products like Skin Clarifier and Skin Defense allow for organ detoxification and purification.

When you make the decision to incorporate internal wellness, you start to experience relief. When you feel better, you make better decisions. The positive impact of making good decisions sets your future self up for success. The initial inspiration provided by the wellness professional has an outcome that inspires change. When we experience change associated with a feeling, we become unstoppable in our wellness journey. Eating well, exercise, rest, and mediation are all practices of a healthy lifestyle. Inspiring others to create that lifestyle is how we all thrive together.

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