julia hardy of quench skin care

Mastermind Julia Hardy of Quench Skin Care

What is an Osmosis Mastermind? 

An Osmosis Mastermind is an Esthetician, Spa or Educator whose skills and passion exemplify our values of being bold innovators who address the whole self and focus on holistic care to activate essential repair within skin conditions and the body.

Julia Hardy 

All over the world, Osmosis estheticians are changing the way people treat their wellness and skincare concerns. Join us in celebrating an outstanding professional who is making a difference in the lives of her clients and community: Julia Hardy of Quench Skin Care in Boulder, CO.




“Estheticians are like a centrifuge; we are given the opportunity to take a little dive into a person’s life, capture a 360 degree insight, identify various components that give sense to what we see, then we perform chemist-like treatments, complemented by additional teammate participation (Ie. nutritionist, stylists, therapists) to create the best possible outcome for the individual. “

-Julia Hardy, QUENCH


Julia, Congratulations on being an Osmosis Mastermind! We’d love to learn more about your journey and your successful holistic practice in Boulder, Colorado. Tell us, what led you to become an esthetician? 

JULIA HARDY: In 2005, I enrolled in a 6-month evening esthetic’s course in Longmont, CO. By day, I ran a 13-person boutique marketing and public relations firm specific to the outdoor industry.  By night, I expedited my education, I added an extra day per week to my coursework and shadowed a dermatologist's physician’s assistant (PA) for extra credit.


Your holistic approach to skincare and use of effective plant based skincare products  has made you one of the most respected estheticians in Colorado.  How did you find Osmosis? 

JULIA HARDY:  After graduation, I continued my education learning about aging, acne, microbiome health, skin care product ingredients and technology. I committed to the holistic approach to skincare long before it became a trend. In my search for clean products and advanced education, I attended a San Jose trade show where Dr. Ben was offering a lecture on Natural Skin Care - I went and felt I had finally found ‘my person’!!! 


I went to the show with the intent of carrying a completely different natural line, but took a detour for which I’m glad.  And, another reason I didn’t carry the originally intended line is because of the red flags I was getting due to poor customer service. The importance of customer service, by every person engaged in my business, is paramount. I need good teammates!  You’ve heard that phrase… ‘It takes a village’?  Well, this applies to what I do as an esthetician. 


We’d love to hear about your journey. 

JULIA HARDY: I grew up in Montana with 6 siblings. There was no such thing as a ‘skin care protocol’, aside from a bar of Dove and shaving my legs. Lotion? I was a ‘TomBoy’.  I went on to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and Marketing from Montana State University, then spent years working for a variety of companies in marketing and sales positions before embarking on my own self-employment path. 


And your skincare favorites now? 

JULIA HARDY: There’s so many Osmosis product I use and love, my favorites are: Infuse + Renew Advanced Retinal Serum (I love how dewy this serum is!), Illuminate Eye and Lip Treatment and Rejuvenating Body Cream 



Care to share about a favorite client? 

JULIA HARDY: There are so many!  I changed Dina’s life:  her diet, and her skin and it’s fantastically obvious, and she glows. Dina is Filipino. She came to me with sun damage, inflammation, and all-over seborrheic keratosis.  Today she has little to no inflammation, barely any keratosis and her sun damage is miniscule to none.

Many of my clients give me such joy that I feel like I should be paying them when they walk out the door.  It’s a mutually enriching experience.  


What made you want to shift from marketing to becoming an esthetician? 

JULIA HARDY: My internal desire to nurture + an equal interest in the microbiome and science led me to skin care. 


And your Wellness Journey? 

JULIA HARDY: In 2010 I met Gail, a massage therapist/vitamin rep while training for bicycling criteriums. Gail partners with an ND (naturopathic doctor-Diane) who specializes in helping people identify the root cause of serious and persistent autoimmune disease that western medicine has failed to cure. Gail asked me to refer my immuno-compromised clients her way.  Before sending clients her way, and, since I didn’t know Gail very well, I decided to sign up for Diane’s urine and saliva testing, and committed to the program to address my decades old ‘pollen allergies’.   


Ten days into the program I realized my health was shifting.  Not only were my sinuses clear, but my cystic acne was dissipating - which was an added bonus. I had not committed to this 5 month diet and supplement protocol to address my acne, but it went away and I haven’t had a cyst since.  So, as you can see, this experience strongly influenced my practice and my clientele benefited from my personal commitment. You can do anything for personal wellbeing for 5 months.  It was hard, but the outcome was and is dreamy.  And, I raced bicycles through the process and went on to medal in the State Road Race and compete in Nationals in Bend, Oregon.  


Today, I continue practicing all that I learned during this time. My supplement intake has lessened but my food protocol has stayed pretty much the same. I cheat on occasion, but only if it’s worth it, like a friend’s homemade cookies or a delightful homemade loaf of bread.


Care to share about your own personal Wellness Protocol? 

JULIA HARDY: I’d consider myself a well-balanced health fanatic. I eat well; I’ve cut out dairy and gluten, minimized my consumption of night shades, and I end my day with a little sugar (cookie, DF Ice Cream, chocolate bar.)  For exercise, I vacillate between trail runs with my husband or solo, a group workout called Camp Gladiator at my neighborhood park, and cycling - either road or mountain bike.  For supplements, I take the Osmosis Elixirs, Regenerate and Recovery, plus vitamin C, D3, Biotin, and Zinc. 


What would be your top suggestion for how to invest in your health? 

JULIA HARDY: Exercise regularly. And, if you have a persistent ailment, find someone to help you address it. If  you’ve been told it’s genetic, it doesn't mean you can’t shift your personal DNA and change the outcome to be a healthier version of yourself.  You can afford it. You can do it!


How has your business changed with the Covid pandemic? 

JULIA HARDY: It’s been communicatively challenging; this is where my background in public relations has come in handy – what to say around COVID, and helping clients feel safe.  My business grew because of my professional reputation, independent model and, 1 person at a time protocol.


How has the Marshal Fire impacted your life?

JULIA HARDY: Someone asked a friend if Boulder County was cursed. It was an interesting question, one of which hadn’t occurred to me.  Over the past 10 years - not to mention the divisiveness of a pandemic - we’ve experienced a 1000 yr flood, and 3 record-breaking fires that have wiped out 1500 +/- homes.  One can’t help but feel this accumulative heaviness - a sadness. 


Boulder County is already one of the most expensive places to live in the country and all of these tragedies have put substantial pressure on our community - financially and emotionally.  A number of my clients are social workers, therapists and Drs. of psychiatry. Let’s just say, they are not looking for work.  What I offer is a sanctuary and a place for these individuals to be nurtured. This is what I offer: Love and support during times of duress.


You recently organized Osmosis care packages for clients and community members who lost their homes to the Marshall Fire. What was that experience like? 


JULIA HARDY: Both my husband and I dropped off the care packages and received text messages of gratitude. So many of the people who lost their homes left with nothing but the clothes on their backs and the one pair of shoes on their feet, so these individuals were overwhelmed with their situation. They’re being gifted used stuff, which is needed but these care packages were just for them and given without expectation. 

After the devastating Marshall Fires in Superior and Louisville, CO, Julia reached out to me to see if Osmosis would offer any type of support to the fire victims. Thanks to Julia's activism, over 20 Fire Relief packages were shared with local clients who were directly affected by the fires. - Gayle Fox, Osmosis Account Executive


What are you passionate about personally?

JULIA HARDY: Trail running and being alone with Mother Nature. I stop often - not just to breathe - but to really feel what’s around me.  It’s a very special experience for me. My husband and I travel to trail run and experience different terrain. Two of the most memorable experiences were stumbling across a Sheryl Crow concert in the desert and meeting blind trail runners (being led by other trail runners). And the views, I’m definitely in it for the views. 


What are you looking forward to in the future?

JULIA HARDY: Change. I like change. Education, people, bring it on! Not to be confused with the introduction of a virus and the change this has initiated, however, peoples’ processes are shifting and this is a curious and fascinating time.  Years from now we’ll see the rewards. It can be a bit challenging to see the forest through the trees, but if you pay attention, you can feel something is coming.


What is your recipe for success? 

JULIA HARDY: Customer service is paramount. And I have a brain for math. One example of customer service: I do not have a cancellation policy. If a client needs to cancel, they have a good reason and they appreciate the grace extended - there is a monetary value to this decision. This effort, compared to the cost of advertising, is an equation. 

I document every single transaction in my CMR software. 

I order products frequently and I only work with suppliers who can meet my demands. I build relationships with my sales reps and together we are a team!  I don’t pay much attention to shipping costs because I value customer service more.  Again, this is math. I don’t advertise because I take good care of people and the word spreads.


I also embraced Quickbooks - self taught - which gave me immediate insights to my financial status. I have since graduated to having a per/hour bookkeeper who costs less per hour than a facial. I pay my own quarterlies and keep track of each quarter, year after year. I’m competitive with myself and grow every quarter, year to year.  I do newsletters rarely but when I do they have a 50%+ readership and recipients sign up for treatments, when suggested. 



Julia has been a saving grace through my forties.  Colorado is not easy on the skin, and yet Julia has helped me not only overcome the impact of the dry, harsh climate but also create resiliency in my sensitive, combination skin. Through ongoing tweaks to my daily skin care, being extremely knowledgeable about which products would work best for me, as well as customizing skin treatments for me that are minimally invasive and yet totally effective, I feel I am in the best hands. At this point, I do whatever she says!  On top of all of this, Julia is also a beautiful, wonderful, and inspiring woman who cares deeply about her clients!  I am grateful to be the recipient of her skillful and loving care.

-Ellen Boeder


Do you know an outstanding Osmosis professional who is using their skill and passion to make a difference in the lives of their clients and community? We’d love to hear from you! 

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