Earth Day: Small Acts to Support Big Ideas

Earth Day: Small Acts to Support Big Ideas


Just like your skincare or wellness routine it's a commitment one makes - everyday. 

We’ve partnered with Huerta Urbana Garden of Focus Points in the historic north Denver neighborhoods of Globeville and Elyria-Swansea to support their efforts to create a seed to table to commerce educational experience.  


As the rates of food insecurity grew during the pandemic, Focus Points Family Resource Center sought to address the issue by securing local farming plots. Huerta Urbana became the incubator for the neighborhood’s urban farmers in training. Additional programs include: early childhood education, workforce development, and adult education. 

Because this area lacks grocery stores within a close distance, Focus Points made an effort to secure an area in the center of the community for Huerta Urbana. Now families have the opportunity to grow their own food and have easy access to gather it. Currently, Huerto Urbana has four greenhouses and 10 raised garden beds for the 2022 season. Huerta Urbana remains a strong, community-based effort towards food justice for the neighborhood.

We’ll update you with pictures of our Osmosis community in service later in the year. Our team will be planting, weeding and harvesting to have hands-on experience at Huerta Urbana.


Want to join us in supporting Huerta Urbana?
Click Here to donate to Huerta Urbana at Focus Points 
Focus Points Family Resource Center


In Denver and want to dine on the food grown at Huerta Urbana?

Pop over to the Comal Heritage Food Incubator at Focus Points Tuesday - Friday 11:00 am-2:00 pm to enjoy traditional Latin American fare (potato and chicken flautas - anyone?) prepared by culinary trainees who are learning the skills to find a living wage in the industry or launch their own business in an earn-while-you-learn model.

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